

About IWE

Key strategies :

The creation and maintenance of an open, inclusive space for sharing and synergising around the key issues concerning women’s empowerment in diverse contexts.
Strengthening and sustaining women in their organisations and movements, beginning in Asia, to challenge and transform unjust power relations and structures which obstruct their full access to and enjoyment of their rights and entitlements.

IWE’s present members include feminists, activists, intellectuals, and researchers, living and/or working in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, UK, the Netherlands. With their diverse specialisms, knowledge and experiences, they work with women in marginalised communities, women marginalised on basis of gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, women migrant workers, women engaged in developing innovative empowerment strategies. At the same time, networks and various forms of working partnerships are initiated and maintained with strategic partners in selected regional and international fora, as well as with individuals active in and committed to work on women’s empowement at international, regional and/ or local levels.

Secretariat in Jakarta, Indonesia:
IWE maintains a small secretariat in Jakarta, mainly for administrative and financial purposes. IWE’s Programmes are implemented mainly in Indonesia, but also in different countries by IWE members and local project teams.
Decision-making and Implementation

While programmatic decisions are made by all members during the Annual General Meeting, the
implementation of the decisions taken is carried out by

An Executive Body, consisting of the following members:

Risma Umar
Dini Anitasari Sabaniah
Sri Marpinjun

A Board of Directors governs the organisation, consisting of the following members::

Sri Wiyanti Eddyono
Marhaini Nasution
Ni Loh Gusti Madewanti